Friday, February 1, 2013

Late night video

I've liked the idea of making YouTube videos for a while now, but I never got around to doing it.  

Probably for good reason, as you'll see.

But, being bored, I thought I'd give it a shot.  I wasn't actually planning on uploading any as the few I did tonight were just practice vids.  But then I figured, why not?  

I mean, they're bound to get worse.  Might as well get used to it.

So, here's my first vid.  It's mostly me just kinda talking.  Then I went on to how I got to NYC and a brief summary of the places I've lived while here.

If you actually watch it, I'll love you forever.  Free Handy J if we ever meet. 

Pinky swears.

Sorry that it's kinda lame.  


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