Sunday, February 24, 2013

I hurt my Leno.

My phone won't stop autocorrecting "elbow" into "Leno" so I decided to just go with it.

Here's a quick update to show you all how my Leno is doing (last post explains what happened).

Basically, I feel fine and I have almost full use of it.  I can't put a lot of weight on it but generally I forget it's even there.  Until I whack it on the door or something.  Then I remember it real quick.  But, generally, it feels like normal.

It is about the gnarliest bruise ever, I think.

I come in technicolor!  My friend thought I was dumb
because I didn't make my 'tech-nicole-r' joke here.  Happy now?
Now I just have to deal with the fact that my dog is clearly trying to kill me.

The culprit.

Do not let the sweet, remorseful face fool you.  Behind those eyes resides a heart of stone and the soul of a ginger.

Talk to you guys soon.  Unless she smothers me in my sleep or something.

ETA And here is a video of 2 dogs that probably won't try to kill their owner.  Though seriously, it's one of the most adorable videos ever.

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