Friday, February 8, 2013

Funny Shit Friday

Yay Friday!

In addition to being the first day it's socially OK to get shitty drunk, I've decided to start a new series!

Wait, is that the term?  Series?

I don't know.  This blogging stuff still confuses me for the most part.

So, I'm calling it Funny Shit Friday and it's going to be a collection of, well, funny shit, basically.  Stuff from around the internets that caught my eye and made me laugh.

Some might be old stuff that you (hopefully) haven't seen yet, some new things, vids, gifs, etc.  

Not sure what else could qualify as "etc" but thought I'd add it just in case.

Alright, on to the funny shit.

I'm putting this first, because it's likely to get stuck in your head.  Apparently, if you like it being stuck in your head, you can buy it on iTunes.  Check it out on YouTube for info on that, you weirdo.

Dumb Ways To Die

Be careful when texting a new love interest,
iPhone specifically loves fucking with you.

This one really has to be watched until the end.. 
Goodbye to the Normals

Alright, so that's it for now.  Loved?  Hated?  Get the fuck off the internet?

Let me know in the comments.  :)


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