Monday, February 18, 2013

2 Cent Saturday

On a Monday.

Yeah, I know.  I fail at life.  I was super busy this weekend so I just didn't have a minute to sit down and type it out.

But I thought about it a lot.  

Alright, so here's my $0.02.

The Carnival Cruise Triumph disaster?  Not a fucking disaster.

Don't get me wrong.  It sounds like it was an incredibly horrible, awful, gross experience.  But it was NOT a disaster.  Or a tragedy.

A disaster is that bitch Hurricane Sandy rolling up the East Coast and destroying countless homes, neighborhoods and towns.  Where an entire house filled with everything a family owned, all the memories and childhood experiences that that home contained, being scattered to the wind.

A tragedy is some psychopath like Adam Lanza taking out his mother and then rolling up into and elementary school and gunning down 26 innocent people.  20 of them being children.  Fucking children.  That's a tragedy.

The Triumph?  That was a fiasco.  A unpleasant, unsanitary and stressful fiasco that I wouldn't wish on anyone.

Except maybe mouth breathers. 

But no one lost their lives, their homes and no one's family was ripped apart.  So stop calling it a disaster.  And definitely don't call it a tragedy.

But, again, that's just my $0.02.

Agree?  Disagree?  Wish I'd get stuck out in the ocean on a quasi-luxury cruise ship?  Let me know in the comments!  


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