Thursday, May 8, 2014

Is this thing on? :tap tap:

Hi y'all.  It's been awhile.  Too long, really.

Honestly, I don't really have any good excuses for why I stopped blogging for so long.  Mostly, I just didn't have anything to write.

I was kinda taking a break from dating.. No one was peaking my interest, you know?  And besides that, not much else was happening.  

When I left off, I was just starting rehearsals to the play.  They lasted a few weeks and were a lot of fun.  Just really a great cast.  The play itself (a sketch comedy, I had 5 sketches) was very, very funny.  Went off (mostly) without a hitch.  

OK, I forgot 1 line on the first night and improvised to the next part where we picked it back up.  Still got a lot of laughs and a standing ovation at the end of the night.  Next night, same sketch and the other actress (who had to fill in for someone else) skipped a line but it went unnoticed.  The 4 other sketches that I did went perfectly.

The play didn't get picked up, so that was a bummer.  But it was worth it to meet everyone.  We all had a great time. 

I mean, really, other than that.. There just hasn't been much going on.  I've been doing the usual stuff.  Auditions, hanging with my roomie Jess, going out, movies, movie nights in, wine nights, Rebel Bingo, shows, etc.  

Huh.  OK, that sounds like a lot more than I remember.  But I swear, it's not been anything super fun.  Just regular stuff.  And honestly, it just didn't seem worth writing about.

BUT.  But now, I'm going to be 30 in 10ish days (holy shit) and I decided it's time to get back to it.  Maybe it's my 30th Year Resolutions.  

Or something.

On that note, I've gotten back into eating healthy the past 3 weeks and started an actual diet about a week ago.  Lots of veggies, lean meats, nothing but water, no sugars, no unhealthy fats, no alcohol, no fun.

It fucking sucks donkey dick but I feel great.  And I'm losing my winter weight.  Which, considering it's May, is about time.

So, that's pretty much it.  That and I'm really, REALLY going to try to keep blogging.  

Just don't hate me if I miss a few days, 'kay?


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