Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The internet has ruined me.

So, last night I was laying in bed with my headphones in and listening to Pandora.  Usual stuff.

Then Journey's song 'Don't Stop Believing' came on.  Score, right?

So, I'm laying in bed, singing along and surely annoying the shit out of my dogs, when I look at my iPhone to make sure that I thumbed up the song when.. Wait.. Is that a PENIS?!


Journey's cover art for their album 'Escape'?  It looks like a penis.

How very phallic of you.

It's not just me, right?  That's totally a penis.

Either that, or the internet has ruined me.

I still say it's a penis.


  1. Um yes, that is definitely one! Wow!

    1. THANK YOU! I knew I wasn't crazy. Or ruined.

    2. I'll bet if we surveyed your neighbors, they would disagree...

    3. Neighbors? What neighbors? I have no neighbors. And the neighbors that I do not have definitely have not heard me carrying on full-blown conversations with my dogs in the hallway. Nope.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Sorry! This was the same comment by me (Joy C., in Zuni, NM) but when I published it my husband's identifier came up...grrrr. >;-( So I had to log his account off and log mine on. Gah! Husbands, sigh. (No really- I love mine SOOO much I barely know what I'd do without him. He is my greatest blessing.)

  3. Ha! Thank you VERY much for helping me win this bet!! I was just on Pandora myself when the exact same thing happened. My husband always accuses me of having the mentality of a teenage high school boy (which is mostly true). But this time I knew I could NOT be the only one to see it! So I googled it and your blog popped up! Yes! Thank you for absolute vindication. And... this blog does *not* make you look fat. :)

    1. Haha, you are more than welcome Joyous! ;) And thank you very much!


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