Saturday, March 30, 2013

"You forgot your blog again, asshole."

That was an actual text I got from one of my favorite people.  He likes to keep it real with me.

But, for the record, I did and I didn't forget my blog.  

I knew it was Friday and I usually put my Funny Shit Friday post up.  But my *last* post was a FSF post, and it made me feel bad that I haven't been doing more writing.

I swear to God, my life has been really boring lately.


Oh!  Last Sunday, my neighborhood celebrated St Paddy's day.  Yes, a week after the fact.

It's NYC.

And we celebrated in the classic NYC fashion.  We started day drinking at noon.

By 4, I was completely blotto.  As evidenced by these attractive pictures:

Noon, yay (?) bagpipes!  Pic taken by my very talented
friend, A.

Noon thirty, after acquiring a hat from somewhere.  

About 2 or so.  More bagpipes.  Why are there more bagpipes?

3:30ish.  I think.  Definitely feeling those green beers.  As evidenced
by my eyes.

3:30ish again.  Eyes completely useless.  Must rely on kindness of
 strangers to stay upright.

 So, that was fun.  What I remember anyway.

Other than that, I was taking it easy this week.  I have been slowly clearing out my place.  Feng shui-ing it, if you will.

Operative word being 'slowly', as I'm sure I'm mentioned this like, 2 weeks ago.  Whatever.  I prefer to think of it as 'thorough'.

Yeah, thorough.  That's it.  

So, a few things that chucklefucked me this week.

Hm.. I don't think I'm using that word right.  

Oh well.

XOXO, love you assholes.  Thanks for reading.  :)

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