Monday, January 24, 2011

Blogger Guilt

Ever have those moments of blogger guilt when your life gets so incredibly busy that you barely have time to shower, let alone write about it?

Yeah, that's so me right now.

My days are 15 hour days where literally the only things I do are school, work, sleep and repeat.  It's been hard but in a good way.  I love having a busy schedule and going to school and working.

Plus, it's great for my diet, not having time to eat and all.  Kidding.  Sort of.

Now, on my first day off (no school or work, squee!!!) the first thing I do upon waking is order a big lunch from my fave Indian restaurant and get online to catch up on all the other bloggers that I stalk follow and finally write a damn update.

This week at work has been great tho.  I work at a restaurant and because it's been so freakin' frigid (actually in the negatives at night, ugh..) business has been down, but the owners have been fighting against that by doing different entertainments.  So, even when I'm locked away at work I'm still getting a little culture.

Wednesday nights are Jazz Nights.  We got an amazing group of musicians that come in and play for 3 hours.  A few women in the restaurant sang jazz so they each came up and sang a few times which was a lot of fun.  At one point our bartender, who has a beautiful voice, got up and sang.

Then on Thursdays we have a belly dancer and Moroccan band.  The belly dancer was great; she was very friendly and very talented.  She pulled people up from their tables and danced with them and everyone had a great time.

Other than that not much has been happening outside of school and work.  Thanks to some good time management skills I've been able to stay on top of school work and have been doing pretty well, all in all.

Next goal?  Using said time management skills to insure that I have time for blogging during the week.  Only having time to write just once a week?  

That shit sucks.

1 comment:

  1. Ha, that restaurant sounds like a lot of fun!

    I sort of have the opposite problem as you. I have time to write my blog, but then I sit down to write and I have total writer's block and can't think of anything very interesting to post about.

    PS Thank you sooo much for your kind comment on my blog!

    Mary Grace


Please leave me many, many comments.. I love hearing what you have to say. I read each one and try to reply in kind. Loves!