Thursday, January 13, 2011

Snowstorm Aftermath

So, I didn't get my much hoped for snowday.  I was so positive that we'd get one that I didn't hesitate to B's suggestion to take our pups out at midnight to play around in the storm.  I ended up not getting to bed until about 2 and then I was up at 7 getting ready for my first official day back at school.  

Even tho I was a bit tired, I think venturing out into the blizzard was completely worth it.  It was gorgeous and our dogs love trying to catch snowballs and running around in the snow.  

As you can see we ended up with about 8 inches.  None of the schools or colleges in NYC closed tho, thanks to the city's advance planning.  Jersey and Connecticut weren't so lucky and ended up having to dig themselves out yesterday and today.

In other news my girlfriend Mare and her bf BK and I ended up at a little bar/bistro by our school after classes yesterday.  We stopped in for some wine and got to catching up with each other (well, BK and I.  Mare and I kept in touch thru-out break) and just BSing.  It was a lot of fun.  

Since B works just down the block I stayed at the bar and waited for him.  After chatting the bartender for a bit (she was super nice) we got on the subject about jobs and whatnot.  I (kinda jokingly) asked if they were looking for a hostess and she said they actually were.  She grabbed the manager and he met with me and we talked.. And now I'm going back tomorrow after classes to see how I do.

I'm not sure if I'm excited or scared.  I've never hostessed before but my friend's have said it's not hard to pick up.  

Ahh!  I finally got a job.

Guess we'll see how I do tomorrow.  
I got some great pics too:

First walking out the door.

Down the path with the pups.

Pretty pic.

Snow was coming down hard.

Always time for an old fashioned snow angel!

Jake in the snow.

Lila in her Seahawks jersey.
We were playing on the hill and Jake didn't quite catch his snowball.

Some of the Christmas lights are still up.
The AC right before bed.  8" total.

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