Sunday, January 16, 2011

Now this is a story all about how my life got flipped turned upside-down..

Ever since New Years I've been trying to write as often as possible which, let's face it, could have probably written about 7 entries with all my free time, but yeah.  ANYWAY.

I started work.

I know, I can hardly believe it either.  First day was Friday after class.  Here's a breakdown of my schedule:

7 AM  Wake up.
9:10  Start walking to meet Mare.
9:30  Meet Mare at our regular corner.
10  Comedy class starts.
1PM  Break for lunch.
2  Voice Over class.
5  Classes done.
5:15  Arrive at work.
6:45  Super slow, but thank God since it's my first day.
7:30  SLAMMED with customers.  So many that we ran out of menus.
11:45   Last table leaves, all 9 of them.
12:30 AM  Walk in front door of my apartment.
2  Fall asleep, finally.
7 AM  Wake up and repeat.

Seriously, I'm not complaining in the least.  Even though we were so busy every table was full, we only had 1 waitress, the bartender had to come out from behind the bar to waitress and there was no one to train me.. I actually had a lot of fun.

People didn't realize it was my first day; I was able to help the waitress and bartender by taking over a couple of their duties (refilling water, taking a few drink orders, delivering checks and uncorking wine bottles) and I did it well.

I want to say now that I have never worked as a hostess before.  Nor a waitress.  Hell, I've never even worked in a restaurant before.  And if I'm being completely honest, the past year and a half have been spent completely on school.  The last job I had was summer of '09 working as an office assistant for my dad.  Not exactly a demanding position, ya know?

But I have never felt so good about myself as I did Friday night.  Actually working my ass off at a job that I got without any contacts or pulling any strings.  

And I did really, really freakin' good too.


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