Friday, January 4, 2013

A new year, a new set of resolutions to ditch by February!

Yeah, it's me.  Finally.  The start of the holiday season, and the season itself, was pretty hectic so I didn't blog much.

Tho, doesn't that seem like the perfect time to blog?  At least I'd have something interesting to write about, rather than just the usual boring stuff. 

Then again, I am pretty lazy so I don't know how that would work.

Anyhooters.  I decided to do a resolution/goal post, since it's the start of the new year and all.

I'm sure I can color you shocked with my originality.  I'm practically overjoyed with it myself.

But, I do think that a lot of my goals, save one or two, will be at least a little original.  So, without further ado..

Nicole's Goals for 2013.

Dun dun dun!

1. Drink less soda/alcohol.. Drink more water.
OK, so this isn't original, but it is aiming for a healthier body, so cut me some slack.  I drink a shitton of Diet Coke (seriously, if I could figure some way to just mainline the shit, I totally would).  I don't drink coffee, so I rely on the big DC for caffeine.  And Mama loves her cocktails.  And wine.  And an occasional beer.  BUT NO MORE!  I shall be attempting to cut out God's gifts of Sody Pop and Booze and replace it with regular ol' H2O.  Totally looking forward to it.  Yep.

2. Read less.. Live more.
I'm a big reader.  Like, huge.  Glancing at my Kindle I see that I've downloaded about 300 books this year.  And yes, I've read all of them.  And a few books that I downloaded last year too.  Of course, they weren't all War and Peace, there was a few easy readers in there.  Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that I spend a lot of my time reading.. Not so much of it actually living my life.  Frankly, fictional characters generally have a more exciting life than me and I'd rather just spend time with them.  So, this year I vow to get my nose out of my books and into real life.  Sigh.

3. Try the Whole30 diet.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.  Crash diets, I know.. Definitely don't belong on a goal list.  But apparently, this isn't a crash diet (don't all crash diets say that tho?) and more like a reset to get you back to eating like you should.  You stick to pretty much everything as natural as possible and cut out all the bad junk.  Yes, people do lose weight on it, but I am more excited about how friends have told me how friggin' great they felt while doing it.  And, as someone who's mood is greatly affected by what I eat, this really appeals to me.

4. Get out of the damn house.
Yeah, this is a little #2, but it's more then that.  If I'm not reading, I'm watching a movie.  Or playing on the internet.  Or playing a video game.  All of my interests center around BEING INSIDE.  This goal is to just step out of the front door.  I have a friend that likes to read at the park.  Why, I can't understand, when she has a perfectly good couch to stretch out on.  But, I get it more now.  Just being out allows yourself to not only be outside, but to put yourself out there, in the nonphysical sense.  If I'm sitting on my couch, doing whatever, I know exactly what's going to happen.  Nothing.  Because it's my fucking couch.  Nothing ever happens to my couch.  Except maybe my dog drools on it while begging or something.  But by being out, I allow myself to be affected by what happens around me.  Maybe I'll make a new friend.  Or meet a cute guy.  Or hear about an interesting new art gallery opening.  Whatever.  So.  Out of the house with my lazy ass.

5. Have lots of sex.
Honestly, if I have to explain this one, you're reading the wrong blog.  Leave now.

6. Learn
I want to learn just for the sake of learning.  Learn about computers, learn math I'll never use, learn how to paint with watercolor, learn how to refinish a table, learn HTML, learn how to survive if lost in the forest.. Just learn.  I truly believe that the one thing that no one can ever take from you is knowledge.  And learning for the sake of learning is beautiful.

7. Figure out my own style.
This is something I desperately want.  Hell, what girl doesn't, amirite?  I want to really find my own inner style goddess or whatever shit Tim Gunn is spouting about this year.  Honestly, tho.. My clothes are always a mish-mash of whatever because I never really figured out my own personal style.  I'm too busy liking other people's styles and trying to copy them.  So, this year I'm going to go thru my closet, figure out what I love, what I like and what I could do without and identify exactly what MY style is.  And I can confidently say that it is none of these:

8. And yes, blog more.
Insert the usual promises to blog more here.. and you'll have my 8th, and final, goal.  Honestly, it wouldn't be a blog post about resolutions if I didn't promise to blog more/better/smarter/whatever, right?

Welp, there you have it, my lovelies.  I'm going to try my best and we'll see how it goes.  Frankly, I don't have much hope for #1, but the rest seem doable.  

Til next time.  Mwah!

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