Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Shame, shame on me..

Shame on me for being embarrassed, as if I was the only one that ever endured hardship..

OK, you have no idea what I'm talking about.. I barely do either, but it's OK.  At the beginning of Summer B and I were planning on purchasing our own place in the city.  A cute 2 bed with all the amenities.  Then reality socked us in the face, hardcore.

Now?  We're renting in a very cheap part of Brooklyn.. In a walk-up with no dishwasher, elevator, laundry or AC.  Hell, our place didn't even come with a microwave.  And you know what?  We love it.

Is it ridiculously masochistic that we are enjoying where we live in BK.. are we gluttons for punishment?  Or are we actually learning something.. That even tho we're forced to live cheaper, simpler, more conservative.. That there are lessons to be learned?

Or maybe I'm just shopping deprived.  Or stupid. 

One of the two.

But now that I've gotten the shame off my chest, and learned something about myself (well, maybe) I will stop ignoring this blog.

I hope.
